Discipleship Course description

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Purpose and aims: The course aims to teach the Biblical theology of working with the Holy Spirit as well as giving opportunities to put this teaching into practise. It is deliberately quite long so that participants have time to engage, wrestle with and explore different aspects, working out how best to apply them to their own lives. The course requires more commitment than, for example, a homegroup, as it has some home learning tasks to complete (nothing too onerous and nothing like essays!)… Read More

Requirements, cost and venue:
We ask that you find 2 or 3 supporters outside of the course before the course starts. Their role is to pray for you regularly, to receive feedback from you about the course and for you to ask them occasional questions. Supporters may be from a group you are already part of eg: a homegroup or a prayer triplet or church members or individual friends. Read More

Next course:
Autumn 2025

Registering your interest does not commit you to the course, but you will be contacted closer to the time to give you more information and ask if you want to enrol.
Outline of the course:
1The Sunflower
2Fight for the day
3Listening for God 1
4Listening for God 2
5Miracle work
— Break —
8Giftings, Passion & APEST
9Baptism of the Holy Spirit
10Seed Time
11Our kingdom work
12Next steps

Each session is usually 1½ hours long and includes:
l Welcome and Worship
l Testimony and Teaching

l Discussion and Prayer